Gong Du Zhou Author

Professor Wai-Kee Li, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Wai-Kee Li obtained his B.S. degree from University of Illinois in 1964 and his Ph.D. degree from University of Michigan in 1968. He joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in July, 1968 and is now Professor of Chemistry. He has taught a variety of courses in physical and inorganic chemistry and won many teaching awards. His research interests in theoretical and computational chemistry have led to about 180 papers in international journals. Gong-Du Zhou, Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, Peking University Gong-Du Zhou graduated from Xichuan University in 1953 and completed his postgraduate studies at Peking University in 1957. He then joined the Chemistry Department of Peking University and taught "Structural Chemistry" there till his retirement in 1992. His research interests lie in X-ray crystallography and structural chemistry. He has published over 100 research papers, together with over a dozen Chinese chemistry textbooks and reference books. Professor Thomas Chung Wai Mak, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Thomas C. W. Mak obtained his B.Sc. (1960) and Ph.D. (1963) degrees from The University of British Columbia. After working as a NASA Postdoctoral Research Associate at The University of Pittsburgh and an Assistant Professor at The University of Western Ontario, in June 1969 he joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is now Wei Lun Research Professor in the Department of Chemistry. His research interest lies in inorganic synthesis, chemical crystallography, crystal engineering and supramolecular assembly, with over 900 papers in international journals. He was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001.