Gloria Allaire Editor

Gloria Allaire is Associate Professor of Italian at the University of Kentucky. Her primary research interest has been Italian chivalric literature of the late Middle Ages. She has presented over fifty conference papers and published forty-five articles or book chapters. Her seven books include Andrea da Barberino and the Language of Chivalry (University Press of Florida, 1997); two Italian prose Tristan editions with facing-page English translations (D. S. Brewer, 2002 and 2015); The Arthur of the Italians [. . .], co-edited with F. Regina Psaki (University of Wales Press, 2014); and an essay collection, TheItalian Novella (Routledge, 2003).

Julie Human is Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Kentucky where she directs the French language program and teaches courses ranging from accelerated beginning French to graduate seminars on medieval literature. Her research focuses on the intersections of pedagogy and gender in medieval French literature, particularly Arthurian romance. She has recently published on teaching the lais of Marie de France through performance and is currently working on a project on specularity in medieval French romance.