Gleb Slobodin Editor

Prof. Gleb Slobodin, was born in 1965. He was graduated from Omsk Medical School, Russia, in 1988, studied Internal Medicine in Bnai Zion Medical Center, Israel (1993-1999) and Rheumatology in SouthWestern UT at Dallas, Texas (2001-2003). Currently Prof. Gleb Slobodin is a Director of Rheumatology Unit in Bnai Zion Medical Center in Haifa, Israel.

Prof. Yehuda Shoenfeld is the founder and head of the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases, at the Sheba Medical Center which is affiliated to the Sackler Faculty of Medicine in Tel-Aviv University, in Israel. Dr. Shoenfeld was the Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases at the Tel-Aviv University. His clinical and scientific works focus on autoimmune and rheumatic diseases.