Giuseppe Marco Tina Editor & Author

Professor Marco Rosa-Clot Graduated with First Class Hons from Scuola Normale, Pisa, in 1966. After one year as researcher at Columbia University (New York 1968), he was Professor of Quantum Physics and General Physics at Pisa University (1969-87). In the period 1975-78 he was a fellow of the Theoretical Division at CERN. Subsequently he was appointed to the chair of Nuclear Physics at Florence University (1988-2009). From 1997 to 2003 he was the scientific director of CRS4 (Centre of numerical simulation in Sardinia), From 1990 to 2015 he has been the scientific director of the private company SIT (Scienza Industria Tecnologia) and since January 2016 of the private company Koiné Multimedia. He he is author of about 100 works published in international reviews on theoretical physics, nuclear physics, environment and energy problems and in the last 10 years he worked extensively on submerged and floating photovoltaic systems (see ) Giuseppe Marco Tina is associate Professor of Electric Energy Systems at UdC. In 2013 he received the National Academic Qualification as Full Professor. From 1993 to 1996 he worked in the industrial sector with Agip Refineries and ST Microelectronics in Italy, as electrical engineer responsible for electrical facilities operation and maintenance. He was also made Associate researcher for INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics), Catania, Italy in 2002 and was responsible for Erasmus agreements (France, Spain, Greece). Tina’s international scientific output includes 65 journal publications and over 120 publications in conference proceedings. Research and publications: analysis and modelling of renewable energy generation systems (wind and Photovoltaic systems), DGSs (Dispersed Generation Systems), Energy and Ancillary Services Market, Stationary applications of Hydrogen Technology, photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems, monitoring and diagnostic of photovoltaic systems.