Giulia Delogu Editor

Giulia Delogu is Assistant Professor of Early Modern History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Her main research interest is political communication and the reciprocal influences between information and institutional changes. A second research field is the construction of images of economic and political power starting from the case of Napoleon. Her latest monograph is La poetica della virtù. Comunicazione e rappresentazione del potere in Italia tra Sette e Ottocento (Milan, 2017). She published several articles on Past&Present, History of European Ideas, Studi Storici, Rivista Storica Italiana and Società e Storia.

Koen Stapelbroek is Professor of Humanities and Dean of the College of Arts, Society and Education at James Cook University, Australia. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge (2004) and published widely in the field of European eighteenth–century political thought and intellectual history. His research focuses on the history of political thought, global aspects of political economy and trade, as well as their legal, cultural, and institutional dynamics.

Antonio Trampus is Professor of Early Modern History at Ca’ Foscari University Venice, Italy. His scholarly interests cover European and International history from the 17th to the early 19th century, and the impact of Enlightenment’s legacy in the Mediterranean area, in Europe and in the Americas. He is interested particularly in the free ports of Adriatic and Mediterranean. His recent publications include the edited volume, with K. Stapelbroek, of The Legacy of Vattel’s Droit des gens (Cham, 2019), and Emer de Vattel and the Politics of Good Government. Constitutionalism, Small States and the International System (Cham, 2021).