Computer Meets Theoretical Physics
3 authors - Paperback
Giovanni Battimelli is professor in history of physics at “La Sapienza” in Rome. Amongst others he has co-edited the collection “20th Century Physics: Essays and Recollections - A Selection of Historical Writings by Edoardo Amaldi”.
Giovanni Ciccotti is, since 2015, an Emeritus Professor at “La Sapienza”, Rome. His research focuses on developing algorithms for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of complex systems in condensed phases. Beyond the attempt to widen the domain of computer simulation in condensed matter he is also interested in challenging applications of atomistic MD simulations ranging from surface/interface physics problems in materials sciences to simulations of biological molecules, to find atomistic level explanations of their behavior or functioning mechanisms.
Pietro Greco is a science journalist and writer. He is involved, as author and scientific editor, in numerous internet, radio and television programs and was adviser of Fabio Mussi, the Italian Minister of Education, Universities and Research, from 2006 to 2008.