The Populist Radical Left in Europe
2 contributors - Hardback
Giorgos Katsambekis is a Lecturer in European and International Politics at Loughborough University. He has co-edited the volume Radical Democracy and Collective Movements Today (Ashgate 2014). His recent work has appeared in The Political Quarterly, Constellations, European Political Science, Javnost–The Public, Contemporary Political Theory, Critical Discourse Studies and The Journal of Political Ideologies.
Alexandros Kioupkiolis is Assistant Professor of Contemporary Political Theory at Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests are focussed on radical democracy, the commons, social movements, and the philosophy of freedom. He is directing an ERC COG project on these topics (Heteropolitics, 2017–2020) and has published numerous relevant books and papers, including the monograph Freedom after the critique of foundations (Palgrave Macmillan 2012), and the collective volume Radical democracy and collective movements today (Ashgate 2014). His new monograph is entitled Τhe Common and Counter-hegemonic Politics (forthcoming, Edinburgh University Press 2019).