Giorgio A Tasca Editor & Author

Craig Parks, PhD, is Vice Provost for System Innovation and Policy and Professor of Psychology at Washington State University. He is a former president of APA Division 49 (Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy) and former editor of Group Dynamics. His areas of expertise are human cooperation and group decision making, with a particular interest in the roles of personal traits, social comparison, and information processing in cooperative choice. He lives in Pullman, Washington.

Giorgio A. Tasca, PhD, is a full-time professor in the School of Psychology, University of Ottawa, Canada, and director of the Psychotherapy Practice Research Network ( He is past president of the Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy, a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, and Editor of Group Dynamics. Dr. Tasca teaches at l'universita degli studi di Bergamo, and is Scientific Director of la Scuola Psicoterapia Integrata in Bergamo, Italy. He conducted several randomized controlled trials of group psychotherapy and published on advanced statistical modeling for group research.