Tibetan Dress in Amdo & Kham
Gina Corrigan - Hardback
Gina Corrigan was born and educated in the UK and holds a BSc in geography from London University and a Masters of Education from Nottingham University. She is co-author of a geography text book on China (Heinemann Educational Press, 1982) and has co-produced over 20 educational film strips on China and Europe with her husband, Peter. In 1980, after frequent travels to China over a seven-year period, she launched her specialist tour and travel business, Occidor Adventure Tours. Particular areas of interest include photography and textiles. Her photographs of China - which have earned her a fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society - are published in a wide range of books and articles through an agency in London. She is an avid collector of textiles and costumes from southwest China, and has organised a number of exhibitions in the UK. One of her most recent publications focuses on Miao textiles and is published by the British Museum as part of a series. A collection of her textiles and costumes has been acquired and exhibited by the British Museum.