Gillion Carrara Author

David Lee Csicsko is an award-winning artist and designer whose distinctive artwork, stained glass, and mosaics beautify train stations, hospitals, churches and universities across the Midwest and East Coast. His many credits include designing the Obamas’ White House Christmas in 2012. David’s lively illustrations can also be seen in The Skin You Live In from the Chicago Children’s Museum, now in its 16th printing, and the other books in his "People Series", LGBTQ+ Icons, Science People, and Iconic Composers. Through his use of color, bold graphics and playful patterns, David Lee Csicsko celebrates the richness and diversity of life. 

Gillion Carrara is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Art History, Theory and Criticism at the School of the Art institute of Chicago. She has been employed in the Department since 1991, and in the Department of Fashion Design since 1978. In her studies, her focus is on contemporary and avant-garde fashion and dress, art, literature, sociology and the aesthetics of fashion and dress. Until 2017, she was the founding Director of the Fashion Resource Center, and for thirty years built a collection of contemporary and avant-garde fashion, publications and various media. It is not a historic collection but a hands-on visual and tactile collection. She actively writes book and exhibition reviews for publication. She presents lectures locally and nationally, attends costume symposiums, travels to costume exhibitions and is on the Board of Costume Colloquium, Florence, Italy, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the Costume Society of America (CSA).