Oxford Revise: A Level Physics for OCR A Complete Revision and Practice
4 authors - Set / collection
Helen Reynolds has written for Activate, AQA Activate, OCR GCSE Physics, and Oxford Revise AQA GCSE Sciences. She has been a Physics teacher for many years, working previously for the Institute of Physics, and is currently teaching in Arizona. Catherine Jones is an experienced Head of Physics and author, having written a student book for AQA GCSE Science Entry Level Certificate, teacher handbooks for OCR Gateway GCSE Sciences, and many digital resources for A Level and GCSE Physics. Carol is a Principal Lecturer and director of NUSTEM at Northumbria University. She has extensive experience of teaching physics, teacher education, and curriculum design. Carol is a school governor and a trustee at the Institute of Physics as Vice President, Education. Gillian Hush is a physics teacher and former Head of Physics. She has written books on practical skills in A Level Physics and is interested in providing challenge for A Level students through extension activities.