Gilles-Éric Seralini Author

Gilles-Éric Seralini is an international researcher working on the effects of pollutants on health, especially from GMOs and pesticides. He has been a professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen Normandy since 1991. He is the author of Ces OGM qui changent le monde (These GMOs That Change the World) and Nous pouvons nous dépolluer (We Are Able to Detox Ourselves), and coauthor of The Great Health Scam, Le Goût des pesticides dans le vin (The Taste of Pesticides in Wine), and Plaisirs cuisinés ou poisons cachés (Cooked Pleasures or Hidden Poisons). Professor Seralini is the recipient of the 2015 Whistleblower Award from the Federation of German Scientists, and the 2016 Theo Colborn Award for his research on health and environment.
Jérôme Douzelet is a chef working with organic produce and is the discoverer of the recognizable taste of pesticides in wines. He is the coauthor of The Great Health Scam, Le Goût des pesticides dans le vin (The Taste of Pesticides in Wine), and Plaisirs cuisinés ou poisons cachés (Cooked Pleasures or Hidden Poisons).