Unconventional Functional Fermented Beverages
4 contributors - Paperback
Carlos Ricardo Soccol is full Professor and research group leader of Department of Bioprocesses Engineering and Biotechnology at UFPR-Brazil. Professor Soccol has experience in bioprocesses/biological engineering, food biotechnology, industrial biotechnology. The research carried out till-date has credited him with 1,385 publications, including patents (108), books (31), book chapters (168), original papers (488) and research communications in conferences/symposia (590). His research articles have so far been cited more than 35,725 times according to Google Scholar. He received several national and international awards, including the Science and Technology award of the Government of Paraná (1996), Best Scientific Achievement of the Year 2001 by Ministry of Sugar of Cuba, The Scopus/Elsevier Award (2009), Dr Honoris Causa, University Blaise Pascal-France (2010), Outstanding Scientist at 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, Taipei, Taiwan, Scientist of the Year - Nanocell Institute (2017), Medal of Scientific Merit by Ministry Science Technology and Innovation - Brazilian Government (2018). Satinder Kaur Brar is full professor at York University, Canada. She is leading the research group on the Bioprocessing and Nano-Enzyme Formulation Facility (BANEFF) at INRS. Her research interests lie in the development of finished products (formulations) of wastewater and wastewater sludge based value-added bioproducts, such as enzymes, organic acids, food bioproducts, platform chemicals and circular economy. The facility has so far led to the successful supervision of 30 PhDs, 8 Master’s and 6 postdoctoral students. She has collaborative programs with several industries in Canada and researchers from Argentina, Spain, Chile, Switzerland, France, Vietnam, China, USA, India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Morocco, Tunisia and Ivory Coast. She Editor-in-Chief of Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering (Springer Journal) and has more than 400 publications, including ten books and handbooks that are academic standards and 6 patents. Gilberto Vinicius de Melo Pereira is a professor in the Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. He is involved in research projects related to the fermentation processes of cocoa, coffee, kefir, cachaça, distilled beverages from tropical fruits and indigenous beverages, working on the following topics: molecular biology of microorganisms, techniques for analyzing microbial diversity using phenotypic and genotypic methods, Rep-PCR, RFLP, ARDRA, cloning and sequencing, microorganism selection for biotechnological applications, probiotics, kinetics of fermentation, and chemical and sensory analysis of foods. He developed a molecular technique for rapid identification of the main yeasts involved in industrial fermentation processes and successfully selected groups of microorganisms to optimize cocoa and coffee fermentation processes. He has published 81 papers, 13 book chapters and 11 patents. These works generated 3778 citations in the Google Scholar. Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe is Full Professor in the Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. Dr. Vandenberghe obtained her PhD in Génie de Procédés Industriels - Biotechnologie from Université de Technologie de Compiègne (2000), France. Her areas of interest include Bioprocess Engineering & Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, focusing on the valorization of solid and liquid agro-industrial products through submerged and solid-state fermentation for biomolecules production including industrial enzymes, organic acids, bioplastics, and plant growth hormones. She has published 158 papers, 5 books, 67 book chapters and 26 patents. Her works have so far been cited more than 11,351 times according to Google Scholar. She is Associate Editor of Carbon Capture Science and Technology (Elsevier) and Editorial Board Member of Bioresource Technology (Elsevier), Biotechnology Research and Innovation (Brazilian Biotechnology Association) and Journal of Food Science and Technology (Springer Link).