Giff Beaton

Todd M. Schneider (Editor)
TODD M. SCHNEIDER is a wildlife biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame Conservation Section.

Giff Beaton (Editor)
GIFF BEATON is active in several state birding organizations and is well known for his slide lectures and his photographs, which have appeared in many books and national magazines. Beaton is the author of Birding Georgia and coauthor of Birds of Georgia. He is a recipient of the Earle R. Greene Memorial Award of the Georgia Ornithological Society.

Timothy S. Keyes (Editor)
TIMOTHY S. KEYES is a wildlife biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame Conservation Section. He was named the Georgia Project Wild Facilitator of the Year in 2007.

Nathan A. Klaus (Editor)
NATHAN A. KLAUS is a senior wildlife biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame Conservation Section.

Jim Wilson (Photographer)
JIM WILSON is the author or coauthor of five bird guides including Common Birds of Greater Atlanta (Georgia). He is past president of the Atlanta Audubon Society and served as Important Bird Areas coordinator for the state of Georgia from 2000 to 2006.