Applying Generalizability Theory using EduG
3 authors - Hardback
Jean Cardinet is former Head of the IRDP Research Service, an institute created by the Education Departments of French speaking Switzerland to evaluate curriculum innovations introduced from 1970 onwards. He was also Professor of Education ad interim at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland, after having been Head of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Neuchâtel and Research Assistant to Prof. Lee J. Cronbach in Champaign, Illinois. He received his Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Chicago in 1952, with Prof. Thurstone. Sandra Johnson is a Director of Assessment Europe, a consultancy company active in the field of educational measurement. She has worked for many years in national assessment in the UK, first as Deputy Technical Director of the UK Government’s APU Science Survey Programme and later as Technical Adviser to the Scottish Government, using G theory to guide survey design and assure quality. She is a Chartered Statistician (Royal Statistical Society) and a Fellow of the Association for Educational Assessment - Europe. Gianreto Pini has been a key methodological contributor to the theory of generalizability in the Working group Edumetrie of the Swiss Society for Educational Research. Benefiting from his experience of teaching G theory in the Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Geneva, he coauthored with Daniel Bain the G theory primer Pour évaluer vos évaluations La généralisabilité: mode d’emploi (Geneva Centre for Psycho-Educational Research, 1996), from which this current book originated.