Gianfranco Battisti Author

Gianfranco Battisti is a retired Professor of Geography at the University of Trieste in Italy.  He has served as vice president of the Italian Association of Geography teachers (AIIG) and editor (1992-2003) of  the journal "AST-Geografia nelle Scuole" (Environment, Society and Territory-Geography in Schools). Now he is supervisor of the "Permanent  Laboratory for dydactical innovation in geosciences", at the Dept. of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste, Italy.

Christian Sellar is Professor in the Department of Public Policy Leadership at the University of Mississippi in the United States. He has published extensively on the interactions between economic policies and geopolitics, government support to firms’ internationalization, post-socialism in Central and Eastern Europe, and Europeanization. He served in a variety of roles in the American Association of Geographers.