The Lesson of this Century
2 authors - Paperback
Giancarlo Bosetti is the head of Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, the association he created in 2004 with Nina zu Fürstenberg, and Reset, a cultural magazine, he founded in 1993 with Norberto Bobbio and a group of liberal-socialist intellectuals. He was vice-editor-in-chief of the Italian daily L’Unità. He is also currently a columnist for the Italian daily La Repubblica. With a degree in philosophy, he has been adjunct professor at the University La Sapienza and University Roma Tre. Among his books Il legno storto, Cinque idee per ripensare la sinistra, Marsilio 1991, La lezione di questo secolo, with Karl Popper, Marsilio 1992. (The Lesson of This Century, Routledge 1997), Also with Karl Popper, Cattiva maestra televisione, Marsilio 1994, translated in several languages. Cattiva maestra. La rabbia di Oriana Fallaci e il suo contagio, Marsilio 2005, Spin. Trucchi e tele-imbrogli dellea politica, Marsilio 2007. Il fallimento dei laici furiosi. Come stanno perdendo la scommessa contro Dio, Rizzoli 2009. This is the English translation of his latest book: La verità degli altri, La scoperta del pluralismo in dieci storie, Bollati-Boringhieri 2019.