Ghazal Jafari Author

Pablo Escudero is a farmer, architect, and urbanist from the Andean region of Pichincha in northern Ecuador and US Fulbright Scholar living on traditional territories of Kechwa People. He is founding director and research coordinator of LA MINGA Collective based in Quito focusing on territories of conflict at the intersection of the Amazon and the Andes.

Ghazal Jafari is a designer of Persian and Azeri descent and territorial scholar in exile. Originally from Tehran, her practice focuses on spatial and environmental justice, immigrant narratives, women resistance movements, and non-Western spatial discourses. She is founding director of Miyan Rudan (‘Between Rivers’), a long-term territorial initiative based along the Karun River watershed, borderlands of Iran and Iraq.

Pierre Bélanger is a settler designer and landscape architect, originally from Montréal and Ottawa, currently in Boston, traditional lands of the Massachusett Peoples, territory of the Wampanoag and Nipmuc Nations. He currently coordinates The 1492 Project, an initiative dedicated to the removal of Columbus monuments across the Americas and the dismantling of structures of white supremacy.