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4 contributors - Hardback
Gerhard Hahn ist emeritierter Professor fÃ"r Ãltere deutsche Literatur an der Universität Regensburg. Dr. theol. Andreas Marti is Titular Professor of Church Music at the University of Bern, Switzerland. He is also a church musician in Köniz near Bern, a representative to the Conference on Liturgy and Church Hymnals of the Reformed Protestant Churches of German-Speaking Switzerland and President of the Liturgy Commission. Also, he teaches liturgy and hymnology at the music departments of the Universities of Bern and Zurich and at the Church Music Academy in Aargau as well as in the French-speaking part of Switzerland at the University of Zurich and at the University of Graz in Austria. He is Editor-in-Chief of the âJahrbuch fÃ"r Liturgik und Hymnologieâ and an editor of the journal âMusik und Gottesdienst.â He often plays the organ in churches in Switzerland and Germany. Dr. theol. Franz Karl PraÃl ist Professor fÃ"r Gregorianik und kirchenmusikalische Werkkunde an der Universität fÃ"r Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz. Alexander Völker ist Pfarrer und Superintendent i.R., von 1991 bis 2001 war er Vorsitzender der Lutherischen Liturgischen Konferenz Deutschlands, bis 2005 Lehrbeauftragter fÃ"r Liturgik und Hymnologie an der Hochschule fÃ"r Kirchenmusik Herford.