A Life in Cognition
3 contributors - Paperback
Gergely Csibra is a cognitive psychologist. His research focuses on various aspects of cognitive development within human infants, including action understanding, mental state attribution, receptive communication and social learning. He’s also interested in episodic memory, object perception, symbol use, and many other topics within cognitive psychology.
Judit Gervain is a developmental psycholinguist and cognitive developmental neuroscientist working on early speech perception and language acquisition and their neural bases. She holds a PhD from SISSA, Trieste, Italy and is currently a senior researcher at the CNRS, Paris, France. She is the author of more than fifty peer-reviewed articles, published in leading journals (PNAS, Nature Communications) and about twenty book chapters. She currently holds an ERC Consolidator grant.
Kristóf Kovács is a cognitive psychologist. His research focuses on individual differences within cognitive abilities, bridging cognitive psychology and psychometrics. After completing his PhD at the University of Cambridge he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the University of Amsterdam. Currently, he is senior research fellow at Eötvös Loránd University.