Exercises in Numerical Linear Algebra and Matrix Factorizations
3 authors - Paperback
Tom Lyche is professor emeritus at the University of Oslo. His research interests are in numerical analysis, and splines in approximation theory. He is the author with Jean-Louis Merrien of the book "Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB" and editor on numerous books on spline methods, computer aided geometric design and approximation theory. He has been a co-organizer of many conferences, in particular the two conference series "Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces" in Norway and "Curves and Surfaces" in France.
Georg Muntingh is a research scientist at the Department of Mathematics and Cybernetics at SINTEF Digital. Jointly with Dr. Tor Dokken, he edited the book “SAGA --- Advances in Shapes, Geometry, and Algebra”, published by Springer in 2014. His research has an interdisciplinary nature and spans a wide range of research fields, with papers published on algebraic geometry, approximation theory, combinatorics, geometric modelling, physics and machine learning.
Øyvind Ryan is associate professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Oslo. His main interest lies in book projects on topics building heavily on linear algebra, and he has published the book “Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets – A Unified Approach”, published by Springer in 2019.