The Ayl to Ras an-Naqab Archaeological Survey, Southern Jordan 2005-2007
5 authors - Hardback
Michael P. Neeley is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Montana State University. He has conducted archaeological research (both survey and excavation) in Jordan over the past 25 years. Geoffrey A. Clark is Regents' Professor Emeritus, School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University. He has done fieldwork in Arizona, France, Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Sudan and Jordan and is the author, co-author or editor of over 300 articles, notes, reviews and comments, and 12 monographs and books on human biological and cultural evolution in "deep time"-the past four million years. P. M. Michele Daviau is retired Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology from the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. She directed excavations at Tall Jawa in central Jordan and as project director of the Wadi ath-Thamad Project, she completed excavation at WT-13 and is continuing with work at Khirbat al-Mudayna.