Geoff Robins Author

Julie Nerney, MBA, CDir, FloD has been a serial entrepreneur, starting, running and selling 14 business in the UK and overseas. She has spent the past two decades as a business transformation expert, spanning private, public and not for profit sectors. She has experience of every stage of the organizational life cycle from start up through to disposals and acquisitions, and has worked in dozens of Executive, CEO and Non-Executive roles.

After an early career working for the UK Government, Geoff Robins BSc, PhD moved to the private sector, operating and leading technical consulting organizations ranging from SMEs to a major portfolio within a UK Plc. He was involved in the acquisition and sale of a range of different organizations including two management buy outs and was the Transformation Director for two major Government organizations. He is now a strategic advisor and Non-Executive Director to a number organizations in sectors that are high growth and fast moving.