Geoff Dickson Editor

Tim Breitbarth is a Principal Academic in the Faculty of Management at Bournemouth University, UK. He holds a PhD in Marketing from Otago University and a Master’s degree in Social Science from Göttingen University. He has also worked in various corporate communications, marketing and management consultancy roles in Germany, New Zealand and the USA. His work stretches across the fields of strategic sport management, social responsibility, marketing, and on internationalisation in the higher education sector. He has held visiting positions at the German Sport University and Cologne University, and serves as a board member of the European Association for Sport Management

Sebastian Kaiser-Jovy is a Professor of General Business Administration and Sport Management at Heilbronn University, Germany. He is Associate Editor of The German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research (Social Sciences and Humanities) and the author and co-author of a range of books, book chapters and journal articles on sport management. Sebastian lectures regularly at various international universities and he is a Visiting Professor at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Geoff Dickson is an Associate Professor at the School of Sport and Recreation at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. Geoff’s research interests include consumer behaviour, sponsorship, ambush marketing, sport governance, interorganisational relationships and event legacies. He has published his research in such journals as Sport Management Review, Journal of Sport Management and European Sport Management Quarterly. He is an outspoken advocate of gender equity in golf clubs. He is a keen golfer and member of the Waitemata Golf Club. He describes his ability as ‘better than most but not nearly as good as some’