Broadening Horizons
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Bart Ooghe obtained a BA in History in 2000, a Ph. D. in Archaeoloy of the Near East at Ghent University in 2007. His research focuses on Lower Mesopotamia as described in post-Mediaeval European sources, and on the disciplinary history of Near Eastern archaeology Apart from this main research topic, his side-projects and interests relate to imagology, the conceptual place of textual sources within a landscape archaeological context and the role of travel narration in the development of Near Eastern archaeology. Organiser and chairman of the international conference ‘Broadening Horizons’ (Ghent, Feb. 2006).Main publicationsOoghe, B. ‘The High Sand of Heliopolis: A Revision of Raue.’ Göttinger Miszellen : Beitrage zur Egyptologischen Diskussion 204 (2004): 105-110. Ooghe, B. ‘Felix Jones and the land behind Baghdad: site-centred study of a 19th century narrative.’ Akkadica (in press) Ooghe, B. ‘Visions of Pallacopas: on the relationships between travel and science in Mesopotamia (18th – 20th century).’ Astrolabe, revue du Centre de Recherche sur la Littérature des Voyages (Université de Paris – Sorbonne) 8 (2006) (online publicatie : www.crlv.org/revue_crlv)Ooghe, B. ‘Book review: “A Quest in the Middle East: Gertrude Bell and the Making of Modern Iraq” (L. Luktitz).’ Bulletin of the Association for the Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near East 27 (2006): 13-14.Geert Verhoeven obtained an MA in Archaeology at Ghent University in 2002. His ongoing PhD-research studies the application of remote sensing in archaeological survey. He is also working in the fields of (digital) photography, database-design, GIS and archaeological methodology.Main publicationsVerhoeven, G. 2003, GIS and Its Applications in the Potenza Valley Survey Project, in: The Potenza Valley Survey: Preliminary Report on Field Campaign 2002, BABesch 78, Leiden, pp. 92-96.Verhoeven, G. 2006, Digitally Cropping the Aerial View. On the Interplay between Focal Length and Sensor Size, Archeologia Aerea. (in press).Verhoeven, G. 2006, It’s All About the Format. A Raw Picture of Photographing RAW, in: Lodewijckx, M. (ed.), Proceedings of AARG Annual Conference, September 19-21 2005, Leuven. (in press)Verhoeven, G. & Loenders, Jo, 2006, Looking through Black-Tinted Glasses – A Remotely Controlled Infrared Eye in the Sky, in: Campana, S. & Forte, M. (eds.) 2006, From Space to Place. 2nd International Conference on Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop, CNR, Rome, Italy, December 4-7, 2006, Oxford, pp. 73-79. (=BAR International Series 1568)Verhoeven, G. & Vermeulen, F. 2004, The Potenza Valley Survey: Towards an Explanation of the Settlement Patterns through the Combined Use of GIS and Different Survey Techniques, in: Magistrat der Stadt Wien – Refereat Kulturelles Erbe – Stadtarchäologie Wien (eds.), Enter the Past. The E-way into the Four Dimensions of Cultural Heritage. CAA 2003. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Proceedings of the 31st Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2003, Oxford, pp. 312-316. (= BAR International Series 1227)Vermeulen, F., Hay, S. & Verhoeven, G. 2006, Potentia: an Integrated Survey of a Roman Colony on the Adriatic Coast, Papers of the British School at Rome 74, pp. 203-236.Vermeulen, F. & Verhoeven, G. 2004, The Contribution of Aerial Photography and Field Survey to the Study of Urbanization in the Potenza Valley (Picenum), Journal of Roman Archaeology 17, pp. 57-82.Vermeulen, F. & Verhoeven G. 2006, Integrated Survey Approaches for the Study of Roman Urbanization, Journal of Field Archaeology. (in press).Vermeulen, F. & Verhoeven G. 2006, Nuova luce sulle città romane nella Valle del Potenza, in: Percossi, E., Pignocchi, G. & Vermeulen, F (eds.), I siti archeologici della Vallata del Potenza, Ancona, pp. 91-100.