Geert-Jan Boons Editor & Author

Zhongwu Guo is a Professor of Chemistry at Wayne State University. The winner of the American Chemical Society's 2005 New Investigator Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry, Dr. Guo serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry, speaks regularly at international conferences, and has authored more than ninety peer-reviewed publications.

Geert-Jan Boons is a Franklin Professor of Chemistry at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CRCR) of the University of Georgia. The winner of the European Carbohydrate Association's Carbohydrate Research Award for Creativity in Carbohydrate Science, and the American Chemical Society's Horace Isbell Award, Dr. Boons serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry and Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry.