Geert Crauwels Editor

Lutgard Lams is Associate Professor of Pragmatics, Media Discourse Analysis and Intercultural Communication at University College Brussels and Associate Research Fellow in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain. Her recent publications focus on the media discourse of China and the relationship between China and the West.
Geert Crauwels is Assistant Professor of German Language and Culture in the German Department at Leiden University. His research focuses on power in contemporary German-language literature and on totalitarian discourse.
Henrieta Anişoara Şerban is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Political Science and International Relations and the Institute of Philosophy and Psychology ‘Constantin Rădulescu-Motru’ in the Romanian Academy, Bucharest. She is also an associate member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Her research interests include the philosophy of science and communication and political communication.