Ge Wang Author & Editor

Dr. Ge Wang is the professor of applied linguistics at School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan University, China. He has been engaged in English teaching and research in multilingual education over 20 years. He obtained his PhD in English Language Education from the University of Hong Kong and was the 2014-2015 Sino-American Fulbright research visiting scholar at Graduate School of Education, the University of Pennsylvania. His research interest is in applied linguistics, bi/trilingual education, intercultural communication and educational anthropology. His major publications can be found in the internationally refereed journals such as The Journal of Asia TEFL, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (SSCI ), The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI ) and book chapters published by TESOL, Routledge and John Benjamins. He is currently the deputy secretary of Yunnan Foreign Language Education Association (YFLEA) and Vice director of International Association of Multilingual Education, Yunnan Branch (IAME Yunnan Branch).