Ethereum Smart Contract Development in Solidity
4 authors - Paperback
Gavin Zheng is a longtime coder, hacker, full stack developer, educator and active open source community contributor. He is now enthusiastic and active in promoting and exploring BlockChain technologies, including Ethereum Solidity programming, Decentralized APP, Zero Knowledge proof, Rust, Crypto Exchange and MEX, VM, Quantitative Financing, etc. In the course of his career, he has worked on the majority of mainstream programming languages/frameworks, such as .Net/Java/J2EE/Python/Golang/ Rust/Ruby, and he has a multidisciplinary background merging Computer Science, Statistics/Mathematics, Quantitative Finance and Marketing.
He is currently the chief scientist of the company power links, where he mainly focuses on applying BlockChain technologies to the energy industry. He obtained his BSc in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Master’s degree from McGill University, and MBA from the Rotman School, University of Toronto (UofT). He speaks Chinese, English, French and Japanese.
Dr. Longxiang Gao is currently a Senior Lecturer, Course Director of Master of Information Technology and Co-founder of Deakin Blockchain Innovation Lab at Deakin University. Before joined Deakin University, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at IBM Research & Development, Australia. Dr. Gao has over 50 academic publications, including patent, monograph, book chapter, journal and conference papers, some of his publications have been published in the top venue, such as IEEE TMC, IEEE IoTJ, IEEE TDSC, IEEE TVT, IEEE TCSS and IEEE Access. He has been Chief Investigator (CI) for more than 20 research projects ($4.33million), from pure research project to contracted industry research. Dr. Gao is a Senior Member of IEEE. He serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Access and the Assessor of Australian Research Council (ARC) projects and Execute President of advisory committee, Chinese Association of Professionals and Scholars, Australia. Currently, His research interests include Fog computing, Blockchain, data analysis and mobile networks.
Liqun Huang is an associate professor in software Institute of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He got Bachelor of Electromagnetic Measurement, master of system engineering and doctor of electric & electronic in HUST. His research interests include network security, AI and blockchain technology.
Jian Guan is the CTO of xuetangx.com, the largest MOOC platform in China. He has a track record of success in both academia and industry, with more than 20 years of experience in teaching, research, software/hardware development and management. Dr. Guan received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from The University of Nottingham and, Bachelor's Degree from Tsinghua University. He is an Executive Director of The National Engineering Laboratory for Educational Big Data. He also served in multiple professional bodies including ACM, IEEE and IEC.His research interests include Machine Learning, Optimization and High Performance Computing.