Gary Rees Illustrator, Editor & Author

Gary Rees is Head of Organisational Studies and HRM at Portsmouth Business School. He has authored and edited a range of textbooks as well as producing research articles on employee engagement and burnout and presenting this research at a range of international conferences. Gary is an examiner for the CIPD Organizational Design and Development module and holds Chartered Fellowship of the CIPD and membership of the British Psychological Society, including the Occupational Psychology Division Paul Smith is Principal Lecturer in HRM and Programme Tutor for MSc Global Business at the University of Hertfordshire Business School. He teaches People Management and Strategic Human Resource Management, primarily on the MBA and MA HRM programmes. He is also a guest lecturer at universities in Germany and Russia. Paul has edited books and contributed chapters and case studies to a number of texts in the field of HR and Organizational Behaviour for Routledge, Butterworth-Heinemann and CIPD Publishers. He is a member of the Work and Employment Research Unit at Hertfordshire Business School and has contributed to a number of conferences, journal articles and reports. His research interests encompass diversity in organizations, leadership and Strategic HRM. Paul is a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.