Garth Neufeld Editor

Regan A. R. Gurung, PhD, is Professor of Psychological Science at Oregon State University and Director of the General Psychology Program. His Applied Social Cognition lab studies factors influencing teaching and learning. A recipient of the APF Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teacher of Psychology Award, he is author/co-author/editor of 15 books and over 100 peer-reviewed articles. He was founding co-editor of APA's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology and past president of both the Society for Teaching of Psychology (APA Division 2) and Psi Chi, the International Honors Society in Psychology. 

Garth Neufeld, PhD, is Professor of Psychology at Cascadia College, founder of Teaching Introductory Psychology Northwest and the Teaching of Psychology Incubator workshop, and co-founder of the PsychSessions podcast. He has served the national teaching of psychology community through the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, the AP Psychology Reading, and APA’s Education Directorate. In 2018, Garth was awarded a Citizen Psychologist presidential citation from the APA for co-founding Shared Space For All, an organization that educates and mentors at-risk Thai children toward the prevention of prostitution. He is also the recipient of the 2019 STP Wayne Weiten Teaching Excellence Award.