Bent Back Tongue
Garry Gottfriedson - Paperback
Garry Gottfriedson, from the Secwepemc Nation (Shuswap), was born, raised and lives in Kamloops, BC. He holds a Master of Education from SFU and has studied Creative Writing at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado. He currently works as the principal at the Sk'elep School of Excellence in Kamloops, BC. His published works include: 100 Years of Contact (SCES, 1990); In Honour of Our Grandmothers (Theytus, 1994); Glass Tepee (Thistledown, 2002) nominated for First People's Publishing Award 2004; Painted Pony (Partners in Publishing, 2005); Whiskey Bullets (Ronsdale, 2006), the Anskohk Aboriginal Award Finalist; Skin Like Mine (Ronsdale, 2010), shortlisted for Canadian Author's Literary Award for Poetry 2011; and Jimmy Tames Horses (Kegedonce, 2012). His works have been anthologized both nationally and internationally. He has read from his work in Canada, the USA, Europe and Asia.