Nelson's Navy in 100 Objects
Gareth Glover - Hardback
Gareth Glover is a former Royal Navy officer and military historian who has made a special study of the Napoleonic Wars for the last 30 years. In addition to writing many articles on aspects of the subject in magazines and journals, his many books include Voices of Thunder, From Corunna to Waterloo: The Letters and Journals of Two Napoleonic Hussars 1801-1816, Letters from the Battle of Waterloo: Unpublished Correspondence by Allied Officers from the Siborne Papers, Wellington's Lieutenant Napoleon's Gaoler: The Peninsula Letters and St Helena Diaries of Sir George Ridout Bingham, Eyewitness to the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo: The Letters and Journals of Lieutenant Colonel James Stanhope 1803 to 1825 and An Eloquent Soldier.