Gail Prasad Editor

Gail Prasad's research examines social representations of plurilingualism and approaches to teaching for critical multilingual language awareness. She received the 2016 Pat Clifford Award for Early Career Research in Education, Canadian Education Association and the 2016 AERA Second Language Research SIG Dissertation Award, American Educational Researchers Association. Nathalie Auger is a full professor at the University of Montpellier-France. She leads international research in linguistics and didactics. She won a European Commission prize for innovation regarding language teaching in multilingual contexts. She has edited a dozen of books, and various websites including videos, on the subject for more than fifteen years. Emmanuelle Le Pichon Vorstman is a faculty member at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, and head of the Centre de Recherches en Éducation Franco-Ontarienne (CRÉFO). Since 2009, she has led several international research projects on the inclusion of minority students in education. She works as a consultant, researcher, evaluator and reviewer for several international organizations.