The Hera of Zeus
3 authors - Hardback
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Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge is a Professor at the Collège de France after having been a researcher at the F.N.R.S. (Belgium) and taught at the Université de Liège. She is also the author of L'Aphrodite grecque (1994), Retour à la source. Pausanias et la religion grecque (2008), and Le Polythéisme grec à l'épreuve d'Hérodote (2020). Gabriella Pironti is Director of Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études of Paris (PSL) and member of the Centre ANHIMA. She is also the author of Entre ciel et guerre: figures d'Aphrodite en Grèce ancienne (2007) and co-editor of two volumes on The Gods of Homer (2017 and 2021).