A Short Environmental History of Italy
Gabriella Corona - Paperback
Gabriella Corona is a senior researcher at the Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies of the National Research Council in Naples and teaches Economic History in the Humanities Department of University of Naples "Federico II". She is co-director of Meridiana. Rivista di storia e scienze sociali and co-editor in chief of Global Environment. A Journal of Transdisciplinary History. Her books include Demani ed individualismo agrario nel Regno di Napoli (1995); I ragazzi del piano. Napoli e le ragioni dell'ambientalismo urbano (2007); Rifiuti. Una questione non risolta (2010), with D. Fortini; The Problem of Waste Disposal in a Large European City (2012), with D. Fortini; and the Italian edition of the present work, Breve Storia dell'Ambiente in Italia (2015) She has published many environmental history essays and has edited books including Storia e Ambiente with S. Neri Serneri (2007) and Economia e ambiente in Italia dall'Unita a oggi (2012), with P. Malanima.