Gabriella Bretti Editor


Gabriella Bretti is a permanent researcher at IAC-CNR. Her actual research interests are focused on modelling and numerics for nonlinear PDEs, flows in heterogeneous media, differential models in mathematical biology and medicine, inverse problems and mathematical models of chemical damage and consolidation of lapideus materials. The mentioned topics imply the application of interdisciplinary methodologies and techniques requiring the integration between mathematics, physics, engineering and chemistry. Her expertise in Cultural Heritage (CH) consists in the development of mathematical models, simulation algorithms and their calibration and validation against laboratory data. From 2018 she is/was involved in regional and national projects for the development of predictive mathematical tools for the conservation of CH: ADAMO and SISMI (DTC project Latium), Pomerium (ESA project) and H2IOSC (PNRR project).


Cecilia Cavaterra is associate professor of Mathematical Analysis at Università degli Studi di Milano. She got a Ph.D. in Mathematics at  Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna. Her main research interests concern nonlinear partial differential equations, dynamical systems, inverse and control problems. Recently, she studied some models describing the chemical and mechanical degradation of monumental stones in cultural heritage. She was one of the editors of the volume Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage - MACH2019, Springer INdAM Series 41, 2021.


Margherita Solci is associate professor of Mathematical Analysis at Università degli Studi di Sassari. She got a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Università di Pavia. Her research activity focuses on Calculus of Variations, Gamma-convergence, homogenization, analysis of discrete-to-continuum models via variational convergence. Recently, she worked on evolution problems for structural damage in archaeological buildings. She was one of the editors of the volume Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage - MACH2019, Springer INdAM Series 41, 2021.


Michela Spagnuolo is Research Director and Director of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies "E. Magenes "(IMATI). Her scientific activity deals with the study and development of geometric and topological methods for the representation, comparison and characterization of surfaces and volumes. Application to Cultural Heritage includes primarily similarity assessment for classification and characterisation of 3D assets. She authored more than 160 peer-reviewed scientific papers, one book on mathematical methods for the shape analysis, and edited several special issues and books on the topics of shape analysis and modelling. She’s currently associate editor of international journals, and chaired  several international conferences, includingEurographics 2019, and is member of the steering committee of Eurographics workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage. In 2014 she was elected Fellow of EUROGRAPHICS, and serves now as vice-president the same association.