Gabriel Vommaro Author & Editor

Juan Pablo Luna is Professor of Political Science at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. He is the author of Segmented Representation: Political Party Strategies in Unequal Democracies (2014) and co-author of Latin American Party Systems (Cambridge, 2010). Rafael Piñeiro is Associate Professor at the Catholic University of Uruguay. With Verónica Pérez Bentancur and Fernando Rosenblatt, he has coauthored How Party Activism Survives: Uruguay´s Frente Amplio (Cambridge, 2020), which won the APA's Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award. Fernando Rosenblatt is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Diego Portales University, Chile. He is the author of Party Vibrancy and Democracy in Latin America (2018) and co-author with Verónica Pérez Bentancur and Rafael Piñeiro of How Party Activism Survives: Uruguay´s Frente Amplio (Cambridge, 2020). Gabriel Vommaro is Full Professor at the Institute of Higher Social Studies, University of San Martín, Argentina, and researcher in the Argentinian National Research Council. His books include La larga marcha de Cambiemos (2017), Mundo PRO (2015; with S. Morresi and A. Bellotti) and Sociologie du clientélisme (2015; with H. Combes).