G D Banerjee Author

K G Karmakar, PhD, was Managing Director of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD). With over 30 years of professional experience as an executive in various banking and financial institutions such as State Bank of India, Reserve Bank of India and NABARD, Dr Karmakar has specialised in agriculture/rural credit, corporate planning, micro-credit, project management and rural infrastructure development. He has many publications to his credit such as: Agricultural Project Management for Bankers; Rural Credit and Self-Help Groups and Microfinance in India. He has published more than 60 articles related to rural credit and rural development, some of which has been presented in national and international seminars. G D Banerjee, PhD, was General Manager in NABARD. His major responsibilities were planning and guiding the agricultural economists in monitoring, appraisal and evaluation of different projects, supervising the works of different departments and taking part in various policy decisions. He has 10 books and many reports to his credit. Some of his published books are: Tea Industry: The Road Map Ahead (2009); Export Potential of Indian Tea (2009) and Darjeeling Tea: The Golden Brew (2008). N P Mohapatra is Deputy General Manager in the Financial Inclusion Department, NABARD, Mumbai. He also worked as a sub-editor in the Sambad, a prominent Oriya daily, and worked with Late Surendra Mohanty, the famous Oriya writer and Sri Soumya Ranjan Patnaik, Editor, Sambad of Eastern Media Limited. He has written numerous articles on rural credit and development banking. Sri N.P. Mohapatra did his MA (Applied Economics) and PG Certificate in Sustainable Development from Staffordshire University under Commonwealth Scholarship Programme. He was a Faculty Member, Bankers Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow from 2000 to 2005 and has conducted various programmes related to finance, microfinance and non-farm sector. He conducted ODI programmes for Regional Rural Banks.