Fumiaki Konno Editor

Tetsuhito Motoyama is Professor at Waseda University (Tokyo) in the Faculty of Law. Publications on Shakespeare and adaptation include co-authored with Kaoru Edo, ‘Strange Oeillades No More: The Three Daughters of Lear from the Tokyo Shakespeare Company’s “Shakespeare through the Looking-Glass”’, Shakespeare 9 no.4 (2013); and co-edited with Hiromi Fuyuki The Text Made Visible: Shakespeare on the Page, Stage, and Screen (2011). Rosalind Fielding is a translator and researcher. Publications include ‘Riots, Cherry Blossoms and Wheelchairs: The Performance Politics of Saitama Gold Theater’ in Performance Research 24 no.3 (2019) and a chapter in Shakespeare in East Asian Education: Schools, Universities and Theatre Education in Hong Kong, China, Japan and Korea (Palgrave). Fumiaki Konno is Senior Assistant Professor at Meiji University (Tokyo) in the Faculty of Commerce. Publications on Shakespeare and adaptation include co-authored with Tetsuhito Motoyama, ‘The Shakespeare Company Japan and Regional Self-fashioning’ in Bard Bites, edited by Kristin Bezio and Anthony Russell (forthcoming); “King Richard II (1857) and Chronicles,” The Bulletin of Arts and Sciences, Meiji University 533 (2018); and ‘Charles Kean’s Edition of Henry VIII: A Study of Its Base Text’, The Bulletin of Arts and Sciences, Meiji University 524 (2017).