Fumi Kitagawa Author & Editor

Robert Huggins is Professor of Economic Geography and Director of the Cities Research Centre at the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, as well as the Director of Cardiff University's Cities Research Centre. He is also a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford's Kellogg College. His research interests and expertise concern urban and regional economic development, in particular the study of behavior, culture, competitiveness, knowledge flows, entrepreneurship, innovation, clusters, and inter-organizational networks. Piers Thompson is Professor of Local and Regional Economic Development and Deputy Unit of Assessment Coordinator at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University. His research interests include behavioral economics, choice and welfare, and economic competitiveness, with a focus on spatial economics and understanding geographic differences in development, culture, entrepreneurship, network behavior, and economic growth. He is a review board member of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research and has published over fifty peer-reviewed journal articles including papers in Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Geography, Regional Studies, and Environment and Planning A. Fumi Kitagawa is Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at University of Edinburgh Business School. Kitagawa has a track record of local, national, and international research projects and publication on university entrepreneurship and regional development. Her research has centred on how public science generates impact on economy and society; in particular, the role of higher education institutions in the regional development and entrepreneurial ecosystems. Christina Theodoraki is Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship and Strategy at TBS Business School. She defended her Ph.D. degree in management from the University of Montpellier, France, in 2017, which received two Best Dissertation in Management and Entrepreneurship Awards. She is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies at the University of Indiana and Business Development Manager at the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Research Network. She is also member of the associate editorial board of Entrepreneurship Research Journal. Daniel Prokop is Lecturer in Economic Geography at the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University. His research interests are in regional economic development, specifically concerned with entrepreneurship, innovation, and networks, and a cross-section of these fields represented in academic entrepreneurship, firm survival, and spatial configurations of ecosystem actors. He has published in peer-reviewed journals including International Small Business Journal, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, Regional Studies, and Urban Studies.