Crime and Punishment
Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Paperback
AUTHOR: Nostalgia enthusiast Jonny Trunk founded his record label Trunk Records in 1995, which specialises in releasing lost and archived recordings. He compiled and wrote The Music Library, a book that documented the hidden world of library music, and Own Label, a book about Sainsbury’s packaging from 1962-1977. He has worked with Oliver Postgate, Derek Griffiths, Tony Hart and other celebrated artists of the 1960s and 1970s. Jonny also writes for a number of magazines and broadcasts every week on Resonance FM, London’s art broadcasting station.
FOREWORD: Jon Savage is an English writer, broadcaster and music journalist, best known for his history of the Sex Pistols and punk music, England's Dreaming, published in 1991.
EDITORS: Damon Murray and Stephen Sorrell – FUEL – have been publishing books since 2004, with their hugely successful and influential Russian Criminal Tattoo Encyclopaedia series. They have worked with Jonny Trunk on a number of publications, including The Music Library, Own Label, Wrappers Delight and Auto Erotica.