Frida Berrigan Author

John Dear S.J. (Afterword By)
Rev. John Dear is a long-time peace activist, priest, and author of 40 books on peace and nonviolence. He is the director of, and was a close friend of Philip Berrigan. He is the executor of the Daniel Berrigan Literary Trust, and lives in California. For more information about John and his work, visit
Philip Berrigan (Author)
Philip Berrigan, an American peace activist and Catholic priest, spent 11 years in prison advocating nonviolent resistance to war. Notably part of the Baltimore Four and Catonsville Nine, he protested wars from Vietnam to Iraq. The author of numerous books, he was a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
Brad Wolf (Edited By)
Brad Wolf, former prosecutor and professor, co-founded Peace Action Network of Lancaster, PA. He coordinated the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal and writes for numerous publications.
Bill Wylie-Kellermann (Foreword By)
Bill Wylie-Kellermann is a retired Methodist pastor, nonviolent community activist, teacher, and author. His books include Celebrant’s Flame: Daniel Berrigan in Memory and Reflection (2021); A Keeper of the Word: Selected Writings of William Stringfellow (1996), Principalities in Particular: A Practical Theology of the Powers that Be (2017), and Seasons of Faith and Conscience (1991). He was also a contributing editor of Sojourners.

Frida Berrigan (Preface By)
Frida Berrigan lives in New London, CT with her husband and three kids. She is an urban farmer and community activist, organizing around affordable home ownership with the Southeastern Connecticut Community Land Trust, and against the ever stretching shadow of militarism with the Connecticut Committee on Nuclear Prohibition. She writes periodically for WagingNonviolence, and In These Times, and is the author of the 2015 book It Runs In The Family: On Being Raised By Radicals And Growing Into Rebellious Motherhood.