Redefining Global Governance
4 contributors - Hardback
Irma Mosquera Valderrama is Full Professor of Global Tax Governance and PhD Dean at Leiden Law School, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She is also Lead Researcher of the European Research Council ERC Funded Project GLOBTAXGOV. She is the EU holder of the Jean Monnet Chair on EU Tax Governance (EUTAXGOV). In addition to her professorship, she is an external expert at the United Nations Development Program on the Tax for SDGs Initiative. She has been a speaker at several conferences organized by governments, think tanks, regional organizations, the European Commission and European Parliament, the World Economic Forum, World Trade Organization, among others. She was a member of the Reference Group (Policy & Operations Evaluation Department (IOB), Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs), evaluating the Dutch government policies and activities to strengthen tax systems in developing countries in the period 2012-2019. She has cooperated with regional tax organizations in Africa, Latin America, and more recently with the Asian Development Bank. In addition to her publications (mostly open access book chapters, articles, working papers, etc.), she has co-edited Taxation, International Cooperation and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, vol. 19, United Nations University Series on Regionalism (Cham: Springer, 2021).
Frederik Heitmüller is an Associate Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD). Prior to joining ICTD, he obtained a PhD from Leiden University, Netherlands, where he investigated the political economy of the BEPS Project in the Global South as member of the GLOBTAXGOV project, and taught courses on international and comparative taxation. He is also an independent consultant on tax policy.
Julien Chaisse is Professor at The City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Faculty of Law. He is an award-winning scholar of international law with a special focus on the regulation and development of economic globalization. In addition to his professorship, Professor Chaisse is a member of the Trade and Investment Council of the World Economic Forum (WEF). He is also a well-experienced arbitrator and a leading consultant to international organizations, governments, multinational law firms, and private investors. He has co-edited several books, authored several articles and book chapters. Among his recent titles is China's International Investment Strategy, published with Oxford University Press in 2019.
Allison Christians is H. Heward Stikeman Chair in the Law of Taxation at the McGill University Faculty of Law, where she teaches and writes on national, comparative, and international tax law and policy. She has written numerous scholarly articles, essays, and book chapters, as well as essays, columns, and articles in professional journals and has been named one of the “Global Tax 50” most influential individuals in international taxation. In 2021, she co-authored Tax Cooperation in an Unjust World, published with Oxford University Press.