Frederic Ros Author

Frédéric Ros has an engineering degree in Microelectronics and Automation, a Master in Robotics from Montpellier University and a Ph.D. from ENGREF (Ecole Nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et Forets),Paris. He began his career in 1991 as a research scientist working in the field of image analysis for robotics and artificial systems from IRSTEA. He managed the vision activity in GEMALTO for 14 years, which is the world leader in the smart card industry. He was particularly involved in applied developments (related to machine vision, AI, data analysis, fuzzy logic and supervised classification algorithms) with the aim of providing adaptive and self-tuning systems corresponding to the growing complexity of industrial processes and especially multi-disciplinary interactions. As a Professor at Orleans University, he has been an associate researcher at PRISME laboratory (signal an image processing) for ten years, focusing his research on machine learning algorithms in the big data context. In parallel, he has head an innovation park for 11 years and recently designed and structured a digital start up incubator.

Serge Guillaume got his PhD in Computer Science in 2001 and his habilitation thesis (HDR) in 2005, both from Toulouse University. He has been working for IRSTEA, a public National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture, for 30 years. He has been involved in fuzzy systems design and optimization for 20 years. He is now also interested in the design of decision support systems based on spatial data, and this includes spatial modeling, e.g. zone delineation, and multicriteria decision making. His work is implemented as two open source softwares, FisPro and GeoFIS.