Frédéric Dessberg Editor

Beatrice de Graaf is Professor of History at University of Utrecht, Netherlands. A historian in the field of security and terrorism, her research focuses on security-related themes in the 19th century and on modern and contemporary cases of conflict and terrorism. She was awarded with the Stevin Prize in 2018 for her work. Frédéric Dessberg is Senior Lecturer of Modern History at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, and is head of the European Defence and Security research department at Saint-Cyr Research Center. He also holds the Jean Monnet European Chair for “European Defence and Security.” His work primarily explores French policy in Eastern Europe during the interwar period. Thomas Vaisset is Lecturer in Contemporary History at Le Havre Normandy University, France. His research focuses on the history of the French Navy between 1870 and 1945, and the history of French external resistance during WWII.