Fred Dallmayr is Packey J. Dee Professor in the Departments of Political Science and Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame
Civilizations and World Order
3 contributors - Paperback
Beyond Nationalism?
2 contributors - Paperback
Political Life in Dark Times
Fred Dallmayr - Hardback
Alternative Visions
Fred Dallmayr - Paperback
Small Wonder
Civilizational Dialogue and Political Thought
2 contributors - Hardback
Mindfulness and Letting Be
The Legacy of the Barmen Declaration
Marc Chagall
On the Boundary
Horizons of Difference
Against Apocalypse
Ethics and Politcs
Éthique et politique
Ethik und Politik
Etyka i polityka
Ética e Política
Etica e politica
Spiritual Guides
Democracy to Come
Beyond Orientalism