Restaurants and Dining Rooms
2 contributors - Paperback
Franziska Bollerey is Professor Emerita of History of Architecture and Urbanism at TU Delft and Head of the Institute of History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism – IHAAU. Her fields of special interest are utopian concepts, metropolises and the urban history and architecture of the 1920s. She has been a visiting professor and researcher at various universities in Barcelona, Braunschweig, Berlin, Budapest, Istanbul, New York and Zurich. Further, she has published numerous books and articles, some of those are: Architekturkonzeptionen der utopischen Sozialisten (2nd ed. 1991), Cornelis van Eesteren. Urbanismus zwischen de Stijl and C.I.A.M. (1999) and Myth Metropolis. The City as a Motif for Writers, Painters and Film Directors (2nd ed. 2010). Among memberships in international boards and committees, she was Head of the Bauhaus Scientific Advisory Board of the Bauhaus Foundation Dessau until 2013. She is also Founder and Editor of the architectural journal Eselsohren, published at the University of Wuppertal.
Christoph Grafe is an architect, curator and writer. He is Professor of Architectural History and Theory at the University of Wuppertal, Germany. A graduate of TU Delft, he worked in practice in Amsterdam and studied in the Histories and Theories Programme at the Architectural Association School in London. Besides teaching architectural design and history in, among others, Delft, Milan, London and Antwerp, he has published widely on post-war European architecture and the history of the modern city, including People’s Palaces – Architecture, Culture and Democracy in Post-War Western Europe (2014) discussing the architecture of post-1945 public buildings for culture. Grafe is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Architecture and has been an editor of OASE since 1992. Together with Franziska Bollerey, he is editing the architectural journal Eselsohren, which is published by the University of Wuppertal. He served as Director of Flanders Architecture Institute in Antwerp from 2010 to 2017.