Franz Schaefer Editor

Professor Franz Schaefer, MD, leads the Pediatric Nephrology Division at the Center for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital. Franz has a 25-year track record in clinical and experimental research in paediatric kidney diseases. He founded and coordinates several international clinical research consortia such as the ESCAPE Network (50 active European paediatric nephrology centres), the International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network (IPPN, 80 active centres globally) and the PodoNet Consortium for Clinical, Genetic and Experimental Research into Hereditary Diseases of the Podocyte (65 active centres globally). The Division runs a molecular nephrology lab fully equipped for gene diagnostic services, animal and cell culture research, RNA, protein and histochemistry studies. He is coordinator of EURenOmics, one of RD-Connect’s key scientific partner projects.

Doctor Denis Geary, MBBCh, received his Paediatric Nephrology training at the University of Florida in Gainesville, The Hospital for Sick Children at Great Ormond St, and Guy’s Hospital, London, UK.

Dr. Geary joined the Division of Nephrology at The Hospital for Sick Children as Staff Nephrologist and Director of Hemodialysis. He was appointed Chief of the Division of Nephrology in 1997, and was reappointed in 2002 for a second five-year term. He is currently Chairman of the Patient Care Committee, The Hospital for Sick Children, and past-President of the Canadian Association of Paediatric Nephrologists.