Reducing Disaster Risks
4 contributors - Hardback
Ian Davis is currently Senior Professor in Disaster Risk Management for Sustainable Development in Lund University, Sweden and Visiting Professor in Cranfield, Oxford Brookes and Kyoto Universities .
Stephen Bender was a division chief of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (retired) and currently serves as a consultant to UN specialized organizations, multilateral development banks and bilateral development assistance agencies.
Fred Krimgold is a member of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, The American Society of Civil Engineers and the National Institute of Building Sciences Consultative Council. He currently serves as Co-Director of the World Institute for Disaster Risk Management and as a consultant to the Disaster Management Facility of the World Bank. His principal areas of research have included seismic design decision analysis, benefit/cost analysis of earthquake mitigation measures, post-earthquake search and rescue, institutional development for disaster management and market incentives for mitigation investment.
Franklin McDonald is an Engineering Geologist, former head of Jamaica's national environmental, sustainable development and hazard mitigation focal institutions and coordinator of the University of the West Indies Institute for Sustainable Development. He is an Advisor to the UWI Disaster Risk Reduction Centre.